Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baker Spotlight Feature

Baker Spotlight
I've reached out to all the local bakeries and I am patiently awaiting their responses (how exciting!). I am going to ask all participating bakers to answer a few questions and feature them here on the blog. This will be a great way of getting to know something about the person behind the cupcake because behind every great cupcake is an even greater baker. Without further ado, here are the questions:

1. Meaning behind baker/bakery name.
2. How did you get started in cupcakes?
3. What is your signature cupcake?
4. What is your personal favorite cupcake?
5. What inspires you when it comes to your cupcake creations?
6. One reason why cupcakes are awesome.
7. What do you think is the future of cupcakes?
8. What do you think is ‪funkiest cupcake creation‬?
9. What has been your biggest cupcake disaster?
10. Share one cupcake making tip. 

PS Stay tuned for two features tomorrow!


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